Before you embark on your own self-discovery and vulnerability journey read about what helps make my journey so fulfilling!
1. The Ability to Laugh at Myself
Many years ago as a busy young mother, wife and real estate agent, my broker told me something that I have taken with me throughout all my work in real estate, self-discovery activities, conflict resolution work and mediation skills consulting.
I remember sitting at my desk in the small family-owned real estate business feeling very down on myself for some new agent mistake. While I sat there berating myself out loud, my broker came over and said:
"Jada, in order to make it in this business, you've got to be able to laugh at yourself."
Wow! How right he was. Even when difficult, I make an effort to laugh at the imperfections of my being. It makes a world of difference in how I relate to myself and to my clients as I encourage them to resolve conflicts in their lives and continue to have new awarenesses that help them at work and in their relationships.
2. Belief
When I began to emerge from the fog of a life of forcing and pushing and trying to control all aspects of my environment, the most transformative of all of my realizations was that I did not have to remain the same. Becoming better, flowing with life and using feminine power instead of force was all within my reach if I only had the courage to believe that I could discover, blossom and transform.
I spent many hours working on my beliefs and the sabotaging behaviors that accompanied them. I celebrated my changes--large and small. The more I acknowledged myself, the stronger my belief became. Whatever you want to change within yourself--believe that you can change it.
3. My Big Life Vision
One of the most powerful motivators of change in my life is a life vision that is big enough to pull me out of my past doubts, old tapes and sabotaging behaviors, and keep me working towards a more aligned experience of life.
- Jada Berteaux.
I was a busy, professional women who knew how to put on a productive face during the day only to go home and focus on every negative thing wrong with my life--real or imagined.
The vision that I created for my life incorporated all the things that brought me joy and I saw myself living in that joy. I envisioned myself writing books and traveling to teach and coach using the lessons of my own journey to help others who wanted to become self-discoverers as well. Step by step I moved closer to all the things I was envisioning for myself. Today, I am living many of the fruits of my time spent creating a big vision for my life and I am joyful, grateful and excited to see what each new day will bring!
4. My Gifts
Do you have the courage to use your gifts?
Each of us are given organic gifts to use in service to ourselves and to others. One of my natural gifts is writing yet I never gave much weight to this natural ability (undoubtedly a by-product of old tapes and feelings of unworthiness that once plagued me.) Now, the gift has become the most visible expression of my self-discovery and vulnerability journey.
I share and teach through my writing and my capacity to be vulnerable has expanded tremendously. As I facilitate groups and work with teams, I use another natural gift of public speaking to serve others.
Using your gifts can serve as the foundation of any transformative changes you desire to make. - Jada Berteaux
Have you taken an assessment of your gifts lately?
How can you use your gifts in the creation of your big life vision?
What step can you take to grow your gifts and give to them the importance they deserve?
Be kind to yourself and allow the flow of self-discovery to take you to places you never thought you could go!
Join my growing community of self-discovery enthusiasts who want to become more vulnerable!